Location | Company | Phone Number | Website |
Thousand Islands, Ontario | WALKERS POINT MARINA | 705-687-7793 | http://www.walkerspointmarina.com |
Pointe au Baril / Georgian Bay | DESMASDONS BOATWORKS | 705-366-2581 | http://www.desmasdons.com |
Lake Joseph | GORDON BAY MARINE | 705-996-1152 / 1-866-544-1909 | https://www.gordonbayboats.com |
Lake of Bays, Kawagama & Hunstville | BAYSVILLE MARINA | 705-767-3323 | https://www.baysvillemarina.com/ |
Atlantic Canada | MAHONE MARINE | 902-624-1800 | https://www.mahonemarine.com |
Kawartha Lakes, Stoney Lake, Peterborough and Kingston | PARIS MARINE | 888-933-3434 / 705-652-6444 | http://www.parismarine.com |
Lake Muskoka, Lake Rosseau | WALKERS POINT MARINA | 705-687-7793 | http://www.walkerspointmarina.com |
Lake Simcoe | LEFROY HARBOUR RESORTS | 705-718-2407 | http://www.lefroyharbour.com |
Northwestern Ontario & Manitoba | WOODLAKE MARINE | 866-460-2628 | http://www.woodlakemarine.com |
Vancouver BC | NORTH SHORE MARINE | 604-924-3266 | https://www.northshoremarineltd.com/ |
Location | Company | Phone Number | Website |
Connecticut, NY City & Long Island | ALL SEASONS MARINE WORKS | 203-838-9038 | https://www.allseasonsmarineworks.com/ |
Florida | Boat & Motor Superstore (Palm Harbor) | 727-942-7767 | https://www.boatandmotorsuperstores.com/ |
Lake Michigan | MANITOWOC MARINA | 920-682-5117 | http://www.manitowoc-marina.com |
Central Ohio | ATWOOD LAKE BOATS | 330-364-4703 | https://www.atwoodlakeboats.com |
Lake George NY Area | MOUNTAIN MOTORS & RESTORATION | 518-586-2502 / 914-260-2229 | https://www.mountainmotorsmarine.com |
Maine, New Hampshire and MA north of Boston | MOOSE LANDING MARINA | 207-693-6264 | https://mooselandingmarina.com |
State of Massachusetts, State of Rhode Island | CAMPBELL’S BOAT WORKS | 508-563-9800 | http://www.campbellsboatworks.com |
Jacksonville, FL | MARK ZEIGLER YACHT SALES | 904-389-0500 | https://www.mzyachts.com |
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please send an email to info@rossiterboats.com.